Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I guess that's all fine, but why?

Okay I admit I've probably been avoiding this post - the raison d'etre, the justification, the explanation post - why am I doing this? Or, more precisely, what am I doing this for? Or even more exactly, what am I hoping to learn or gain by blogging my year-long Australian reading saga?

I've been developing answers to this question over the past few months of reading, and I've come up with some. . . questions. Hopefully by the end of the reading year I'll be able to answer them for myself, and provide a suitable reason for all this. Not that its a chore: I've really liked almost everything so far, and it has fulfilled an earlier justification to give some form to my previously chaotic book-choosing method. But I'm now almost three months in, and reaching ten books, so here are some conclusive questions for me (and you, maybe) to consider. I may add to this list later as more questions arise.

In order of questions coming to mind:

1. Is there a distinct Australian writing "voice" that could be discerned even if you didn't know the nationality of the author?

2. Can we read as widely as we like, covering many literary forms and categories, while still staying within one geographical setting?

3. Do Australian writers pay credit to their birth or adopted country in their books? And should they?

4. Are Australian writers as "good" as their international counterparts?

5. What leads some readers to love Australian writers and read them avidly, and others to consciously avoid them?

Now, back to reading!